iOS Detect and extract objects within image in iOS (ImageAnalysisInteraction, VNGenerateForegroundInstanceMask) In Photos app, long press will extract objects from image. We will implement this same feature using `ImageAnalysisInteraction`, and `VNGenerateForegroundInstanceMaskRequest`. For SwiftUI and UIKit.
Programming Featured Creating custom Swift Macros (with examples SF Symbol / URL validator / iCloud key-value store bind) This article will talk about creating your own custom Swift Macro. It will cover ExpressionMacro and AccessorMacro. With examples of SF Symbol name validate, URL validate, and bind variable to iCloud key-value store.
Programming Using TipKit to display a tip to the user in SwiftUI (iOS 17, WWDC 2023) Using TipKit to display inline tip, popover floating tip, rule based tip, or counter based tip, provide custom action buttons. TipView, Tip, rules, Swift Macros
iOS Featured 「iOS 17」SwiftUIの新たな19本の機能とビュー(コード例付き)(WWDC 2023) 特定の位置までスクロール、App Storeで購入可能なアイテム・サブスクリプションを表示、写真がNSFWかどうかを分析、SwiftDataを使用、SwiftUIのビューにMetalシェーダーを使用、マップにマーカー、SFシンボルの画像エフェクト(パルス、反転、バウンス、スケール、表示/非表示、トランジション)、回転のジェスチャー、#preview、TipKitを使ったヒントの表示